Psychological Society of Ireland Chartered Psychologist since 1992.



COVID – 19



I will remain open for consultations/assessments through the current lockdown as an essential educational and psychological service. The following Covid - 19 precautions are in place:

  • There will be social distancing in the form of two desks, each approximately one metre, that will separate consultant and consultee.

  • There will be an L shaped polycarbonate shield around the desk.

  • All test materials will be sanitized before and after each use.

  • There will be hand sanitizers in the waiting room and office.

  • Even with the shield and social distance, masks are required and provide an additional level of security. Masks are required for children and parent.

  • I can only accommodate one parent as another preventative measure.

  • A further precaution is ventilation which necessitates a window and/or door to be open.

Of course, please feel free to contact me by phone or email and I will be back in touch as soon as possible.

Stay safe and best wishes,


William Wilkinson